Photos taken at "Kibbenjelok" during December
1998 by Gay Klok
I will take you for a walk around the Primula
borders. We see candalabra Primulas in red shades growing under an
Acer. There are 400 species of Primula, native to the temperate regions
of the Northern Hemisphere
Going further down this walk a new colony is setting up under the
Sambacus aurea, the yellow leaved Elderberry.
From China and the Himalayas to the mountain districts of the tropical
zones, these beautiful perennials are found
Opposite the pink Primulas are just finishing, always the first
to flower. The stems of some species often carry many whirls
of flowers. Others have only one ring at the top and in some varieties,
the flowers cluster amongst the leaves
We have turned the corner and beneath a special hydrangea, there
is a mixture, the yellow are really more orange. Most Primula
like rich, fertile soil
Here they flourish with some Rhododendrons. The trunk
belongs to an ornamental Japanese maple. The Primula enjoy the part-shade
conditions with Rhododendrons making good companion plants
The yellow Prims. and daylilies grow well together. These
also should have more orange-pink in them Propigation
by seed can be in Spring, early Summer or Autumn
We prefer to propogate by division or root cuttings.
Every two years we split the plants in Autumn. As we may get 7-11
new plants, I am able to have large rivers of the flower
These do not seed as prolifically but we will get several new plants
every year. Dead heads and old foliage should be removed after flowering
These Primula florindae grow with ferns and in the background white
Lychnis, an odd mixture but they all seem to enjoy one another's company
Looking down the border you see a Rhododendron "Beatrice" and Hydrangea
just coming into bloom
These purple Primula sinopurpurea love the moist, rich conditions
that we enjoy at "Kibbenjelok" but do not increase as rapidly as their
In this photo you can see the "Royal Orb" and Primula pulverulenta
growing beneath the manferns "Dicksonia antartica" There is
a Primula for practically every position and purpose.
I hope you have enjoyed a quick view of the
Primulas growing in the country garden. If there are any questions
you would like to ask, please leave a message in the discussion area.
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